October 2023
On October 19, 2023, the Indonesia Urban Youth Assembly (IUYA) was held concurrently with the culmination of the 2nd National Urban Forum (NUF) or National Urban Forum in the framework of the Implementation of Habitat 2023 at the Directorate General of Human Settlement, Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The event addressed urban issues involving various stakeholders, including youth, and was aimed at building a sustainable youth forum as one of the stakeholders in urban development through the aspirations expressed by the youth.
During the IUYA, the Declaration of Urban Youth Hopes in Indonesia was read by student representatives, namely Andhika Dwipayana (Urban and Regional Planning student at ITB) and Rahastuti Tiara Adysti (Meteorology student at ITB). Two panel discussions were conducted at IUYA, namely Panel Discussion 1 with the theme "Youth Engagement in Sustainable Urban Development: Voices from Indonesia" and Panel Discussion 2 with the theme "Youth and Public-Space-Making." These sessions were moderated by Kemala Fabrian and Malindo Andhi, Program Directors from the Indonesian Infrastructure Research Center and PT. Airmas EMC. PSII was the partner of government to arrange and implement the IUYA.
October 2022
INITIATIVE : FREE little Library
To contribute to real-world urban development, PSII initiated “Little Library” in 2022 with a vision to deliver 1000 Free Little Libraries. The Library will be placed in public and green open spaces to increase the community’s literacy rate. The first free little library opened at Huntap Duyu public space, one of the new post-disaster settlement areas in Palu City.
“We believe everyone is empowered when the opportunity to discover a personally relevant book to read is not limited by time, space, or privilege.”
We invite more partners for future collaborations to add free little libraries and increase public access to books and knowledge. It will not only be our achievement and legacy but also our contribution to the communities.